The Humble Origins COSMOS- A Brief Note The birth of the Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organizations UK (COSMOS UK) occurred when the UK based Sri Lankan Muslim Diaspora rightly felt the urgent need to unify its’ stance and action when dealing with matters of common interest. The spark which lit this need was the indiscriminate attack on the Dambulla Masjid in April 2012 by some extremist elements and hate groups in Sri Lanka and the indifference of the then government to take any concrete action.
Ever since the War in Sri Lanka ended in 2009, many hate groups emerged with the tacit support of the high rungs of the then government which targeted the Muslim community in particular. The SL Muslim Diaspora in UK felt the need to do what it must to protect the interests and rights of the SL Muslims. On Tuesday 22nd April 2012, 15 organizations working among the SL Muslim community in UK met at the Harrow Mosque and resolved that a united stand should be taken without different organizations acting in their own ways to represent matters to the authorities in Sri Lanka and/or the international community.
As a first step, it was decided that an umbrella organization be formed to formalize the process and represent matters to the SL government through the then High Commissioner for Sri Lanka.Thus COSMOS saw its’ origins at that meeting with a committee being formed to take the initial program of action forward under the Chairmanship of Br Junaideen Mubarak , Chair of the Harrow Mosque. Few days later, a delegation of COSMOS met the High Commisioner Dr Chris Nonis and handed over a joint Memo to be submitted to the SL government calling for urgent action to be taken to stop the well-organized hate campaign against the Muslims. The resolution submitted to him ran thus:
“The Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organizations (COSMOS UK), the umbrella organization representing over 15 organizations actively working in different part of the UK met on Tuesday 24th April 2012 to discuss the emerging extremely volatile situation in Sri Lanka consequent to the unfortunate Dambulla incidents and it handed over the resolution to the High Commissioner on 25th April 2012 which was passed at the meeting. Unanimous Resolution Passed at the meeting.
This House, having discussed the grave and volatile situation in Sri Lanka and the unfortunate consequences emerging from the Dambulla incidents, and the imperative need for the Sri Lankan Muslim Diaspora in UK to support the positive measures being taken/ to be taken to rectify this situation in Sri Lanka , unanimously resolved to…
Express our deep concern about the incident involving the attempted destruction of the mosque in Dambulla and the devious attempts made by racist and extremist elements to disrupt the cordial relations between the Sinhala and Muslim communities which has been prevailing in Sri Lanka throughout the course of history,
Respectfully request Your Excellency to convey our deep concern in this regard to the Government of Sri Lanka and for them to take timely, meaningful and concrete steps to restore law and order and to protect fundamental rights of all citizens as enshrined in the Constitution and
Also express its appreciation for the steps being taken by the government of Sri Lanka to defuse the situation with a view of preventing escalation and other untoward incidence in the future.
We conclude with the fervent hope that this matter will receive due priority.“
Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organizations UK (COSMOS UK) –
The hate campaign against the Muslims took a dangerous turn during the years when hate groups such a BBS. Ever since then, COSMOS began to grow and attempted to represent the moderate voice of the SL Muslim Community in UK, despite many challenges, taking due cognizance of the need to always act in the best interests of the Muslim Community in SL without adopting extremist stances . During this short span of time , COSMOS has undertaken a long and arduous journey to fulfil the twin needs of the SL Muslim Community in UK- initially to work towards protecting the rights of the Muslims in Sri Lanka and subsequently to facilitate the process of integration of SL Muslims into wider British society .
The hate campaign against the Muslims took a dangerous turn during the years when hate groups such a BBS, Sinhala Ravaya and Ravana Balaya undertook a concerted and well-knit campaign to attack the Muslims, their religion, culture and their existence without fear or sanction from the law enforcement authorities . Some of their landmark campaigns were against Halal, Hijab and Cattle Slaughter and with many attacks on their places of worship. Social Networking sites were used to launch venomous attacks on Muslims based on a clear Islamaphobia theme which is being spread right throughout the world by vested interests. COSMOS were forefront in representing matters to the SL authorities and always coordinated their action with ACJU and MCSL to avoid any rash action which may harm the interests of the Muslims in SL. COSMOS undertook a series of programs to raise awareness about these issues among the UIK Muslim leadership and also among certain Human Rights Organizations/ NGOs based in UK . Further, COSMOS also organized many inter-faith programs to unify the stand of the faith groups in dealing effectively in this regard.
In June 2014, Aluthgama and the suburbs were attacked and caused colossal damage to the Muslims and their properties. COSMOS took the lead and working with many other organizations, led a 2 prong approach – pressuring the SL government through the British government by representing matters though the MPs and secondly through a round of protests and demonstrations to raise awareness about these anti Muslim attacks among the British people. This strategy worked . In June 2014, there was massive demonstration organized in London for which COSMOS gave its full unstinted support and cooperation, to pressurise the SL government through the British government. Subsequently, affiliate COSMOS organizations also approached their local MPS to request the Foreign Secretary to act decisively in this regard. In September 2014, COSMOS met a group of British MPs in the House of Commons and explained matters in great detail. As a result, the MPs represented matters to the Foreign Secretary via a cross party delegation, which was a successful move.
The new government in Sri Lanka after the Presidential Elections in Sri Lanka, there were positive moves to bring about national reconciliation .When President Sirisena visited UK recently COSMOS submitted a Memo calling upon the government to undertake series of programs to promote national reconciliation and peaceful co-existence among communities without allowing the hate groups to act without fear or sanction to promote hatred and racism.
As COSMOS moves into its’ 4th year of existence it is too early to pass judgment about COSMOS and its’ achievements, as it is still in its’ childhood and growing stage. There are many challenges to overcome and many more goals to achieve. COSMOS can achieve In sha Allah with the support of its; affiliates to fulfil its; twin goals of helping the SL community in UK and Sri Lanka. COSMOS strives to think globally and act locally when it engaged in the process of forming a global body to represent the opinion of the global Sri Lankan Muslim Diaspora which initiatives were taken in Canada.
The present team of management led by Br Liyas Abdul Wahid has been working tireless in attempting to bring all sections of the SL Muslim community in UK under its’ umbrella. COSMOS presently has under its’ umbrella 18 organizations.
Our Affiliates are…
- Sri Lanka Muslim Association (SLMA)
- Sri Lankan Muslim Association South London (SLMASL)
- SLMCC (Harrow)
- SLMF (Milton Keynes)
- SLMC (East London)
- SLMA ((Slough)
- SLMA (Hemel)
- SLMWAC (Crawley)
- SLICAM (Manchester)
- SLMFC (Crawley)
- West Yorkshire Sri Lankan Muslim Association
- KICC (Kingsbury)
- Jaffna Muslim Association (JMA)
- ABRAR (Leicester)
- ASLAM (Reading)
- SLIFL Liverpool
- SLLAM Liverpool
- SL Bolton Community
- Galhinna Welfare Association
Full name list will be updated in the near future.