Press Release

Update on Actions on Forced Cremation of Muslims and Christians in Sri Lanka

We are writing to update Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organisations UK (Cosmos UK) affiliates and
its members efforts and actions to date on Forced Cremation.

1. In April 2020, Cosmos UK wrote letters to President of Sri Lanka, Prime minister of Sri Lanka, Health Minister of Sri Lanka, Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka High Commission in London.

General Secretary of Cosmos UK, Shakeer Nawas, was briefed by High Commissioner in late April 2020 over a Phone call acknowledging our letter on forced cremation and a discussion about the reason for Cremation only Policy by Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) and this was further confirmed with a written reply from Sri Lanka High Commission office in London on 09.06.2020 stating “…to protect the entire nation from the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic as the burials take longer than cremations, and the country’s groundwater levels are too high thereby heightening the risk of the spread of the virus…”

2. The High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to the UK HE Saroja Sirisena and the Diplomatic officers of the High Commission scheduled an online meeting with the heads of Sri Lankan Associations in the UK for a discussion on enhancing connectivity between the High Commission and British Sri Lankans on 30.10.2020. President of Cosmos UK Mr. Liyas Abdul Wahid joined this meeting and highlighted the minority Muslims apprehensions particularly about the Forced Cremation to High Commissioner, Diplomatic staffs and invited heads of Sri Lankan Associations in UK. Mr Liyas requested the High Commissioner to address this perturbing action to GoSL.

3. We have updated and written to All Party Parliamentary Group – Cosmos UK (APPG Cosmos) members and many UK MP’s on this subject. We are pleased to inform many MP’s including Chair of APPG Cosmos UK Mr. Bob Blackman (MP for Harrow East) and Ms. Claudia Webbe (MP for Leicester East and APPG Cosmos Member) and many other MP’s have written to Sri Lanka High Commission on this Subject. Mr. Wes Streeting (MP for Ilford North and Member of APPG Cosmos) on 24.11.2020 raised a question in the Parliament to Rt Hon D Nigel Adams MP Minister of State (Minister of Asia) about GoSL on “…accountability for previous human right abuses, as well as an effective challenge to the present Government for ongoing human rights abuses…”. 

4. On our request Hon Bob Blackman MP (Chair of APPG COSMOS UK) and Hon. Afzal Khan MP, (Vice Chair of APPG COSMOS UK) wrote to Rt Hon Dominic Raab (First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs) and requested for his intervention on this issue. Also, Mr Afzal Khan wrote to the Foreign Secretary with related questions to reply in the House of Commons. 

5. We also wrote to Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs), British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Ms. Sarah Hulton OBE and Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon (Minister of State for South Asia and the Commonwealth) on this subject. We received responses from Lord Ahmad on 29th April 2020 and on 04th January 2021. In his reply Lord Ahmad noted that he is deeply sympathetic to our concerns. He had spoken to Sri Lanka Foreign Minister in November 2020 and many occasions to Sri Lanka High Commissioner in London regarding this matter. We are working closely with Lord Ahmad and Foreign & Commonwealth Office on this subject. Further, British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka directly expressed the concerns to the GoSL on this subject. 

6. Cosmos President attends a regular Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) meetings and at the last virtual meeting on 08th July 2020, he raised the cremation issues. This meeting was chaired by Head of South Asia Mr. Fergus Auld who confirmed this matter will be escalated to relevant stakeholders.

7. Cosmos UK has also written to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and many international Humanitarian organisations on this subject. Many of these organisations have already issued statements against Forced Cremation to GoSL. 

8. Recently Cosmos selected 22 major Islamic countries from OIC list and sent letters and emails about forced cremation to Foreign Ministers of OIC countries and pleaded to intervene on this forced cremation matter in Sri Lanka. We will continue to follow up on this subject and will write to the rest of the OIC countries Foreign Ministers in due course. 

9. We also prompted many other organisation including non-Muslim Sri Lankan organisation as well as others in UK to raise this issue with authorities and other Humanitarian Organisations. We continue to receive correspondences from these organisations and we are very much thankful to their support and actions. Our members have been in constant touch with various individuals and organisations in Sri Lanka who are actively involved in addressing this issue with the GoSL and exchange information with us.

10.We have also drafted letter templates on forced cremation issues to use by general public, affiliates, and its members to inform their local MP’s, Humanitarian Organisations etc. Many members have used to contact their local MP’s and have also shared the replies which have all showed recognition of the issue. We encourage all the public to use these templates and share the outcome with Cosmos UK to increase collective pressure to GoSL. 

11.We continue to use social media such as Cosmos Twitter, Cosmos Facebook to highlight the development on this subject by tagging relevant authorities, individuals and leaders for an action and awareness. We are also highlighting this issue in various local and international medias to build awareness and pressure. We encourage the public to follows us on twitter (@COSMOSUKSL) and Facebook to stay up to date with the latest events. 

12.We are also collaborating with Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) to further our reach and influence on this issue. We are thankful to MCB who are playing a major role in achieving the desired outcomes. They have rendered their expertise in different areas of work, international and local contacts and more specifically their recognition as a reputed Islamic body globally. We are
taking a multi-disciplinary approach to try and achieved the desired outcome including Legal, Medical, International Lobbying, Community / Faith Group Engagement, Media etc.

13.Cosmos UK being a member of MCB Task Force also request its affiliates and members to donate to the Emergency Legal and Advocacy Fund set up by MCB on following link: 

14.We wish to reiterate that while COSMOS UK is tirelessly working on this subject, we continue to silently support and encourage all efforts taken by different organisations, institutions and activist in the UK, Sri Lanka and internationally in overcoming discrimination against the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. Please include in your prayers (duas) everyone who is suffering in Sri Lanka as well as those who are fighting to eradicate the communal discrimination.

Reported by:

M Shakeer Nawas
General Secretary
Cosmos UK

***Download the original document here: PRESS RELEASE – Forced Cremation and Cosmos Actions 06012021

Press Release

Seeking Support for the International Campaign to Stop ‘Forced Cremation’ of Covid Bodies in Sri Lanka!

Letter to:

Hon Min. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Foreign Office Building,
Constitution Avenue,
G-5, Islamabad,

Hon Min. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi,COSMOS UK (Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organisations UK), an umbrella
organization of twenty-eight Sri Lankan Muslim Organizations based in UK, regret to bring to your of a grave and disturbing development taking place in Sri Lanka, in the midst of the dreaded Covid pandemic, which has adversely impacted upon the people around the world. Unfortunately, instead of uniting the people in the fight against the invisible enemy, the Sri Lankan authorities have been creating deepening divisions between them. In complete disregard for the basic human rights of the minorities, and despite strong protests and pleas from the community leaders, and human rights watch dogs as well as appeals from the international community, Government of Sir Lanka (GoSL) has been forcibly cremating those who have died as a result of Covid-19. 

This State sanctioned racism has been particularly affecting the victims among the Muslim and Christian communities, whose grieving relatives are unable to bid farewell to their loved ones in accordance with their faith. Both Islam and Christianity enjoin burying the dead and have prohibited cremation, as long as burial does not pose any risks to the living. Almost 100 Muslims have been forcibly cremated to-date, as a result of this inhumane policy. On December 9, a 20-day-old baby named Shaykh was forcibly cremated in a cemetery in Borella, the largest suburb of Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo – the youngest among 15 Muslims who were cremated recently.

At first glance, Sri Lankan authorities insisting that the bodies of all Covid-19 victims be cremated, no matter their religion, might seem fair. The Sri Lankan health authorities say the bodies of COVID-19 victims will contaminate the groundwater if they are
buried. However, upon closer inspection it is patently clear that the decision to enforce the ‘Forced cremations Policy ’was taken on arbitrary grounds sans any scientific evidence, contrary to WHO guidelines, and its motivations must therefore be questioned. The World Health Organization (WHO) has quite explicitly laid down guidelines which states, that both cremation and burial options are safe in such disposal.

WHO tweeted on 10th April 2020 that ‘It is a common myth that persons who have died of a communicable disease should be cremated, but this is not true. Cremation is a matter of cultural choice and available resources’. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) also says, ‘Decedents with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 can be buried or cremated as usual’.

It is thus patently clear that the measure of forced cremation by Sri Lanka’s authorities is not covered under any health advisory prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to enhance governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many scientific pundits and virologists both in Sri Lanka and outside, have also been quite vocal against this gross violation of human rights in the guise of fighting the Covid pandemic. It is reported that the burial option is completely safe. Hence, there is no reasonable justification to enforce cremation as an obligatory measure. Thus, while fighting the pandemic, Sri Lanka appears to have unfortunately given a new lease of life to an equally dangerous virus: ‘State sanctioned ’racism which includes growing Islamophobia.

The issue has also been raised by many human rights organizations, and the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief urged the government to respect burial rights of its Muslim minority. As the UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka Hanaa Singer stated, ‘during epidemics, for reasons of public health, Governments often need to take difficult and at times unpopular measures. However, in this case, the negative consequences of not allowing burials seem to outweigh any potential epidemiological benefit. The common assumption that people who died of a communicable disease should be cremated to prevent spread is not supported by evidence. ’Muslim and Christian families in Sri Lanka whose relatives were cremated had justice denied to them, after the Supreme Court threw out their case when challenged that their religious rights were violated.

We are pleased to note that the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in which your great country is also a member, has expressed extreme concern over reports of Sri Lankan authorities insisting on cremation for COVID-19 Muslim victims. Against this practice, inconsistent with Islamic precepts, the OIC thus called for respect to the burial ritual in the Muslim faith. Accordingly, IPHRC urged the Sri Lankan government to fulfill its human rights obligations by respecting the right of its Muslim minority to practice their religion free from any discrimination, including the uncompromised right to honour the dignity of their dead in line with their religious beliefs and obligations. Maldives recently offered to bury the dead of Sri Lankan Muslim Covid victims. However, although it was a gesture of solidarity and a laudable offer, Sri Lankan Muslims feel that it will only further promote the racist narrative of the anti-Muslim hate lobby in Sri Lanka that Muslims do not belong to the country. 

It is alarming that GoSL continues to dismiss both local and international pleas to review this warped policy. Under these circumstances, Sri Lankan Muslims look upon the governments and their brethren in Muslim countries, to use their good offices in addressing the issue and also leverage their influence to pressure Sri Lanka into ending these forced cremations.

We seek your support to bring justice to the affected Muslim community in Sri Lanka.
May Almighty guide all of us in the right path.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.Liyas Abdul Wahid
Cosmos UK

***Download the original letter here: Pakistan Foreign Minister – Cremation in SL Inernational Support Letter

Press Release

COSMOS calls for concerted and unified action on the part of all parties to fight the twin pandemic – of COVID – 19 and Underlying Racism

Letter to:

H.E. Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa
Hon. President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka.

Your Excellency,

On behalf of COSMOS UK (Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organisations UK), an umbrella organisation of twenty-eight Sri Lankan Muslim Organizations based in UK, notes with delight, the constructive measures taken by the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL), in putting in place, sweeping procedures and plan of action to deal with this unprecedented crisis, which has reportedly earned the appreciation of the World Health Organisation (WHO). In fact, we are aware that the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges and created a global crisis on all fronts, with many countries scrambling to contain or delay a potentialCOVID-19 tsunami.

COSMOS is also happy to note that the Muslim community in Sri Lanka, has joined with all other communities in fully supporting the efforts made by the GoSL and public health professionals to combat this pandemic. Already All Ceylon Jami-iathul Ulema (ACJU) and other Muslim organizations have given an exemplary lead in taking the necessary measures to stop all congregational activities, put the community in an alert mode, as well as organize donations and charitable activities to help the authorities and people in the fight against this invisible common enemy.

However, in the midst of this crisis, COSMOS wish to place on record the unfortunate developments adversely affecting the dignity and religious rights of the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. Firstly, it is unfortunate that a subtle but well-orchestrated anti-Muslim campaign is also clouding the fight against Corona, both in the social Media as well as through dog whistles, targeting and demonising the Muslim community in various ways. Examples are many. This vicious campaign unless condemned and stopped by the government and the law enforcement authorities is proving to be and will prove counter-productive and self-defeating even in the short run. Both Hiru and Derana TV stations particularly stands accused of leading this hate tirade, which is contributing to further mainstreaming of anti-Muslim hate in the society, especially witnessed in the Post-Easter Sunday period. There is an imperative need to punish those responsible who appears to engage in racist / hate speech and crimes with impunity.

Secondly, another matter which has recently caused extreme concern to the Muslim community is the withdrawal of the burial option, earlier available to the bereaved families of Covid fatalities, in addition to cremation. The Islamic faith requires the deceased to be buried in accordance with religious guidelines and it is forbidden to cremate the deceased as long as there is no proven threat to the living.It is therefore important that the religious beliefs and sensitivities of the bereaved families be recognised, and their wishes to bury their deceased be respected (instead of forcing a cremation), at a time of tremendous levels of emotional and psychological stress in their lives.

In this regard, WHO permitted both options-the burial and cremation of the dead bodies infected with the said virus.A copy of the said Guidelines issued by the WHO is given in the references below, for your easy reference. We have also been informed by the professionals that there is no scientific evidence of spread of disease after the body has been sealed in a body bag from respiratory or gastrointestinal fluids and therefore there is no difference in cremation or burial with regard to spreading of the virus. Countries like United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Iran, Israel, USA and Italy too, among many other countries have permitted to bury the dead bodies of those infected with COVID 19.

It was regrettable to note that the amendment made to the Public health guidelines in Sri Lanka to accommodate the burial option, in accordance with the WHO guidelines, was later removed without assigning any reasons. This has caused much anxiety and anguish to the affected families too. It must be stated that the Muslim community would have no qualms about the decision if the decision was taken based on scientific and medical concerns as laid down in WHO guidelines, However, this does not appear to be the case in this instance. Furthermore, allowing individuals or influencers to deviate or bypass established procedures is an extremely high risk approach given the circumstances related to COVID-19.

In this backdrop, COSMOS fervently appeal to the Government of Sri Lanka to reconsider reintroducing the amendment to provide the burial option too with strict conditions to avoid infection spread, as provided for in the WHO guidelines, in addition to the cremation option.

COSMOS finally calls upon the GoSL to consider the plea of the Muslim community of Sri Lanka to ensure that their dignity and religious rights are not infringed upon by take necessary measures to tackle hate speech as well to ensure that everyone’s fundamental religious rights are protected, without compromising the public health of the population.As Your Excellency reiterated, the cooperation and involvement of all communities will be imperative in ensuring the prevention of the spread of this deadly virus.

Thanking you in anticipation of a favourable response from the GoSL.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.Liyas Abdul Wahid
Cosmos UK

cc: Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa-Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Hon. Pavithra Devi Wanniarachi-Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.
H.E Saroja Sirisena-High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in UK.

***Download the original letter here: President Letter

Press Release

Establishment of all party parliamentary group for COSMOS UK (APPG – COSMOS) – Annual general meeting

We wish to inform that APPG – Cosmos UK AGM was successfully concluded on 03.03.2020 to Re-establish the group at Room C,House of Commons, 1 Parliament Street -Westminster under Chairman of APPG Cosmos, Mr. Bob Blackman -Harrow East MP and was attended by a cross section of MPs and Peers of the House of Lords. Further, three more MP’s joined and extended support to APPG – Cosmos at this AGM. 

The Elected Office Bearers at this AGM were: 

  • Hon. Bob Blackman – Chairman 
  • The Rt. Hon. the Lord Naseby -Vice Chair
  • Hon Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi -MP – Officer
  • Hon Gareth Thomas – MP – Officer
  • Hon Siobhain McDonagh – MP – Officer

Other Members of APPG – Cosmos

  • Rt. Hon Baroness Warsi
  • Hon Matt Rodda
  • Hon Afzal Khan
  • Hon Wes Streeting
  • Hon. Claudia Webbe
  • Hon Elliot Colburn

Mr. Liyas Abdul Wahid – President of Cosmos UK addressing the AGM stated “The purpose of this APPG is, to support, and take up issues raised by COSMOS, relating to Sri Lankan Muslim issues, towards protecting their rights, and promoting peaceful co-existence, in the context of the goodwill prevailing between the two countries, thereby, ushering in, a strong relationship between the two peoples of both countries United Kingdom and Sri Lanka”

The Chairman of APPG – Cosmos UK Mr. Bob Blackman provided a brief history of APPG Cosmos and it’s past activities since its inception almost 20 months ago and thanked the Cosmos UK members’ active participation and contribution in this formation.Further Members discussed and explored effective roles that APPG – Cosmos can play in the near future for the benefit of Sri Lankan Muslims here in UK and Sri Lanka. The following were discussed at this AGM

  1. Requesting for a Debate in the British Parliament by APPG – Cosmos members to discuss the minority Sri Lankan Muslims ongoing issues and protecting the minority rights for Sri Lankan Muslims.
  2. Organising an Ifthar (Breaking Fast during Ramadan) during Ramadan at House of Commons by 2nd week of May 2020 and inviting all APPG Cosmos members, MP’s,Peers, Diplomats, Community Leaders, Other faith leaders and Cosmos Affiliate Organisation members. This would be an excellent opportunity for Cosmos UK to highlight the Cosmos UK activities to other MP’s and Peers and use the opportunity and encourage them to support or join APPG – Cosmos. Mr. Bob Blackman agreed to this request and his Secretariat office is to arrange and confirm on this programme soon with House of Commons office.
  3. Arranging a delegation of British MP’s to visit Sri Lanka along with Cosmos UK members and meet Sri Lankan Leaders and Parliamentarians.
  4. Arranging to meet and discuss Sri Lankan Muslims concerns and issues with Lord Ahmed who is the Minister of State (Minister for South Asia and the Commonwealth) and UN at House of Lords chamber soon.
  5. Arranging a meeting with the new High Commissioner of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to UK,Her Excellency Saroja Sirisena to address the APPG Cosmos members and Cosmos UK members at House of Commons.
  6. Mr. Bob Blackman also informed that he would join hands with Mr. Gareth Thomas -MP for Harrow West in addressing the proposed parking only for Resident Permit Holders near SLMCC center and the inconvenience which will cause to the center users if this proposal approved by Harrow Council.
Mr. Shakeer Nawas -General Secretary of Cosmos UK thanked and appreciated Mr. Bob Blackman and his Secretariat staffsfor their continued support in running this APPG -Cosmos and thanked all MP’s, Peers and Cosmos affiliate members who attended this AGM.This meeting was a very productive and constructive meeting where MP’s, Peers and Cosmos members had a full engagement and discussion to foster a strong bonding with the APPG -Cosmos members and a deeper understanding of Sri Lankan Muslims quandaries.
M Shakeer Nawas
General Secretary – Cosmos UK. 
[email protected]
Press Release

DAWN OF A NEW ERA –72nd Independence Day of Sri Lanka

Today marks the 72nd Independence Day of Sri Lanka. The Chairman and Executive Committee members of the Council of Sri Lankan Muslim Organisation in UK (COSMOSUK), an umbrella organisation for 28 Muslim organisations in the UK, would like to take this opportunity in wishing all Sri Lankans living around the world a very happy and commemorative Independence Day!

Sri Lanka has a rich history of a beautiful and peaceful nation, where all communities lived in peace and harmony. In recent years we have unfortunately witnessed disturbances and an unhealthy trend of racial tensions. We therefore would like to call upon all political leaders, religious leaders, social/ society groups and all citizens to make every attempt to foster goodwill, peace and harmony so that we may all coexist as one nation and contribute to the economic and social development of Sri Lanka.

On this occasion, it is noteworthy to recall that all communities in Sri Lanka joined hands seven decades ago together has one nation, as Sri Lankans!to achieve this independence that we are all celebrating today. We should therefore follow these historic footsteps in promoting peaceful coexistence amongst all our communities for the future.

The COSMOS members in UK are committed towards helping all Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka and abroad in every way possible, in order to achieve this goal.

M Shakeer Nawas
General Secretary – Cosmos UK. 
[email protected]

Press Release

Clarification on Formation of World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims (WFSLM) Launching in London – UK

This is to inform that many COSMOS UK affiliate organisations and public attended the inauguration of World Forum for Sri Lankan MuslimsConference UK-2019, which was hosted by COSMOS UKon 18.10.2019 at SLMCC Harrow are in the opinion thatWorld Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims (WFSLM-organisation) was formed by Cosmos UK. However Cosmos UK wish to inform that this World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims is an independent body and COSMOS UK does not have any official affiliation with it.

Further COSMOS UK Executive Committee decided on its meeting held on 10th November 2019 in Wembley, that COSMOS UK doesn’t associate in any form as an organisation to this World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims organisation and as a result Mr Liyas Abdul Wahid decided to resign from holding Interim Treasurer post with WFSLMin order to avoid any confusion or conflict among the affiliate member organisations of COSMOS UK.Further COSMOS UK Executive Committee decided on its meeting held on 10th November 2019 in Wembley, that COSMOS UK doesn’t associate in any form as an organisation to this World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims organisation and as a result Mr Liyas Abdul Wahid decided to resign from holding Interim Treasurer post with WFSLMin order to avoid any confusion or conflict among the affiliate member organisations of COSMOS UK.

M Shakeer Nawas
General Secretary – Cosmos UK. 
[email protected]